
Showing posts from August, 2010

Shine Like Stars

At any given moment in our lives, we experience things that stand out among others. When we remember back in our memories there is usually one thing that shines like a star more than the rest. When I was a kid, we went to Florida every Spring Break. One thing that stands out about one trip was when we got to play golf in Florida for the first time. It was so much different that a golf course up here. There are different types of grasses down there. It is a little spongier than the grass up here, so the ball doesn’t go quite as far. Naturally, my brother and I one time were out there and it was in the morning time. We took some snacks with us and were on the 5th hole or so. Our golf balls were in about the same place so I parked between the two. As we were standing over our golf balls, a huge raven flew over to our cart, landed on the front, stole our Nutri-Grain bars and flew off to a neighboring tree. We sat and watched him devour our breakfast and had the hardest laugh we’d had in a ...

The Attitude of Christ

As I was attempting to write my sermon, Sherri turned a show on called “How Not To Become Shark Bait.” Some of the things these guys did for the sake of science was totally outrageous. My first thought was, what would possess people to find out what causes shark attacks? They could be killed or severely injured or maimed. The point is, these guys are not only scientists, but thrill seekers as well. Part of the reason is because it’s an adrenaline rush. However, the main reason behind what they’re doing is to find out what causes people to be attacked by sharks. The aim is to warn people what not to do in order to be safe. They find out what is more tempting to a shark that confuses a person with food. Most sharks do not want to eat people, but they get confused because something a person is doing is confusing them with a fish or animal. These guys are trying to help people stay safe when they swim in the ocean. This is their main goal; save lives. As Christians, what is our motivation?...

Standing Firm With No Fear

Immigration and Citizenship have been issues in our country since we declared our independence from the British in 1776. We have constantly faced battles of immigration throughout our history in America. Over 20 times throughout our history various Acts have been passed ranging from Naturalization to Immigration laws. Even today, we battle Immigration and Citizenship within our borders. Recently Arizona has been on the map for their new Immigration Law that was supposed to go into effect to crack down on illegal Mexican aliens living and working in the US. The issue at hand is whether racial discrimination and profiling is inherent in the law. If we were to look back in our history however, there have always been laws aimed at certain races of people. Some of us may even be descendants of those who faced these issues. Many times during our history, an influx of people came from certain countries such as the Irish, English, German, Japanese, Chinese and now, Mexican. This does not mean ...