You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!
Here we are! It’s the final week and I was not sure what to leave you guys on, but as I was reading through my daily devotion, John seemed to point something out. In John 2:1-11, Jesus performed his first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding. For so long I have wondered why is this event so important. I mean, what is the significance of this not only in their world then, but our world today! I mean, agriculturally, water is turned into wine on a yearly basis at the wineries. But still, there is more to it. I’ve titled today’s sermon “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”…I know, grammatically incorrect as it is, (it is driving me nuts too by the way), there is something to be said for that phrase in this Scripture. When we hire babysitters for our girls, we always warn them ahead of time about Hannah and her unusual ability constantly to stay moving and talking. As weird as it is, the first time she is with a new sitter or person, she is quiet, reserved and rather well behaved. I reme...