
Showing posts from June, 2012

Spiritual Maturity (Adapted from Dr. Roger Barrier's article, "The Greatest Tragedy in the Christian Church")

As promised from last week, here are the categories of people on their Spiritual walk. Notice these are only characteristics, however, they should help determine where you stand. Also note this: this is the 'sermon notes' that I preached from yesterday. There were way too many notes to put in the bulletin, so what follows from here is going to be very 'incoherent' and could possibly be 'hard to read', simply because they are my notes to remind myself of the subjects I was going to talk on. To listen to the audio sermon, please go to this is my YouTube Channel where I post all of my audio sermons. The characteristics are found in these 'sermon notes.' The following sermon that I am about to preach is adapted from Dr. Roger Barrier’s article, “The Greatest Tragedy in the Christian Church”. It has been modified a bit by me, but most of the credit goes to Dr. Barrier. Without looking at the Sermon Notes, I want to take a poll. How many think they are sp...

Relational Discipleship

Relational Discipleship is just what it says it is. Making Disciples relationally. Terry Bowland has written a book called "Making Disciples" published in 1999 by College Press Publishing. In a sermon not too long ago, I addressed Bowland's book frequently. I am currently reading this book and am forming ideas for making a "Discipleship Class". My goal is to gear it toward the various stages of believers and where they are at currently in their walk with Christ. I am not sure when this will be ready, but know that I have the idea in the works. If the Bride of Christ is going to experience a growth spurt again, relational discipleship is where it is going to begin. Here is the problem...and I have met with some resistance with this idea: every child who grows up in the church should have the knowledge equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree in Genral Biblical Studies by the time they are 18. Someone told me this isn't possible. Unfortunately, they don't k...

Either's our responsibility...

It's been a while since I posted on the blog. Many things have been going apologies. One of the things brewing for the past bit is the direction of the church here in Lima. Do we rely on God and do the work ourselves or do we give it to The Crossing and let them take it on. Well, here's my take. Either way, it's our responsibility. That is simply the crux of the matter. No one can work out your faith and relationship in Christ for you. YOU must do it. Simply put, we don't want to put in the time it is going to require in order to disciple someone. It is a difficult task, full of pain, strife and time. Yet, it is the most rewarding time too. To see someone go from milk to meat is something that in the Christian walk, means the world. Every time I go to serve others, it is THEM who minister to me. My eyes get opened to things that I hadn't seen before...ears to things that I hadn't heard, and my feet take me places I never thought possible. Oh yes, chang...