Are we on our way to being just like the people we're fighting?

The following is an excerpt out of a paper I just wrote
reflecting on chapters in a book called "A Mind for God" by
James Emery White. Feel free to comment on what you've read
in this excerpt out of my reflection paper. I really felt
strongly about what was going on so I had to share. I look
forward to hearing what you have to say! What you are about
to read is a highly Christian view on world issues. Please
take that into consideration while reading.

Out of all things discussed in the four chapters read, the
second chapter hit me the hardest. When White talks about
how Darwinism influenced Hitler and the Germans in the
Third Reich, it really stirred my thinking. How far are we
willing to let our culture slide before we as Christians
make a stand for what we believe? There are Christians who
do stand up for what they believe, but there are far more
people who profess to be Christian who do not line their
thinking up with Christian views. How can we even profess
our religion if we aren’t willing to embrace the truths
taught to us by God through the Bible? Doesn’t that make us
hypocrites? The media has no right to tell us what we
should and shouldn’t think. Some would argue that it is
called freedom of speech. Is this the price we pay for
freedom? Are we subject to live in a culture influenced by
media, Hollywood and celebrities; people who say that our
Christian views are only opinions and that it shouldn’t
influence them? I argue that if they have the freedom of
speech so do we. Not only that, but we have the moral
responsibility given to us by God to reflect upon and discuss
with others the wrong viewpoints of the secular media. God has
given us a tool in “A Mind for God” by James Emery White.
I propose that we use this to retool our thinking to realign
ourselves with Christian thinking and viewpoints.

Another point off of the same subject that disturbed me in
the reading,it is said that Darwinism was an influence in the
Nazi regime. It was stated that they embraced abortion,
euthanasia, infanticide and racial extermination (White 25).
It raises the question, how far are we willing to let it go?
Where does right end and wrong begin? With abortion? How about
racial extermination? Have you ever thought about how close
some of the people in our country are to turning us into the
next Third Reich??? There is a president in office who believes
in abortion, embryonic stem cell research which our Bible says
is murder. He received the majority of the votes in the election
which is why he's in office. Are we willing to comprimise our
morals and ethics to vote against them? Or are we willing to
stand up for what we believe is right regardless of the
consequences? An aunt of mine passed away around 3 years ago,
she was a German immigrant. Her mother still lived in Germany,
and when she was dying, her mother wanted to euthanise her to
end her suffering. She was actually offended that our country
didn't do this. Did you know they still embrace that there? She
considered herself a Christian lady as well. How far are we
willing to let a culture corrupt our sense of morals? As
Christians and Christian leaders, I propose that we ourselves,
primarily do things according to our morals before we let our
culture do the same to us as it has the Germans. We need to look
deeply at ourselves and reflect back to think whether or not we
have been corrupted by our culture. I know I will. I did not vote
this past election due to my indecisiveness. I didn't want to vote
against my morals, but I also didn't want to vote with them
either. I feel looking back now, that even though I didn't vote,
I still allowed the media to corrupt me and my thinking. I
should have voted with my morals and stuck to my guns. Shame
on me for allowing that to happen. I urge everyone to come
with me in reflection of ourselves before we become too corrupted
to notice the difference.

In the last part of the reading of Chapter 5, "The Lottery"
story really got to me. Out of 20 people in the class, NO ONE
thought to question the human sacrifice. Have we gotten so
desensitized to the horrors of our own culture that even the
majority of Americans won't question a human sacrifice?? How
can we proclaim to be Christians and not think critically about
the information we're being fed, especially by the media? We
must reflect on the information being fed to us through our
culture, media and friends. We can't allow ourselves to become
numb to the worldview of situations and let the media tell us
what to think, say and feel. We must think about how this
affects us, our family and our entire world. No more
compartmentalizing. I know from now on I will be more careful
to reflect and think about things that come through the media
and culture. As the future leader of a church someday, I feel
that I must be an example to this...and for that matter, we
all need to. When we profess our Christianity, we must reflect
and ponder on the issues of life in order to ensure we're
persuing God's will.


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