
When I say the word deliverance, what comes to mind? One of the things that came to my mind was the song “My Deliverer” by Rich Mullins. It’s a contemporary song that was released in 1998, almost a year after he was killed in a car accident. This song is very inspiring if you’ve never heard it, I would suggest taking a listen. It talks about Joseph taking Mary and Jesus to Egypt as a child, where the captive Hebrew children used to sing the lyrics “My deliverer is coming, my deliverer is standing by” then moves on to talk about the eventuality of what Jesus was going to do on the cross. Inspiring and very moving.

What I am for sure not talking about is the movie. Actually, I had never seen the movie, so I went online to look up the plot on Wikipedia. I got the hang of the story so I decided to go look up some movie clips. It seems like a movie that is high on suspense and thrills. If I were to go out to the mall and simply walk up to someone and say the word deliverance, the movie is probably what they would think about.

Paul however, uses this word in verse 19 today of our text. Naturally, there is a lot more going on in the text for today, but deliverance is going to be the big overview of what’s going on this week.

Before we go any further, let’s read the passage for today. Philippian 1:18b-26.

Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, 19 for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. 20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22 If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! 23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24 but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. 25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, 26 so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.

So, what is Paul really talking about here? Paul has been writing about his situation in prison like we talked about last week. Paul says that he is continuing to rejoice because by the prayers and the help of the Holy Spirit. The Philippians here along with the Holy Spirit, are helping Paul in his ministry in prison.
When we choose to “help” a ministry outside of our church walls, we are choosing to support this ministry or mission. This is exactly what the Philippians are doing along with the Holy Spirit. The Philippians have chosen to help Paul in his ministry. They mainly helped by prayer, but I would also tend to believe that it was monetary support as well. The text does not come out and say it here, but this is what I tend to believe. The thing is, there was not a real “mail” system like there is today, so messages and monetary support would have traveled very slowly.

This next part of verse 19 is where Paul talks about deliverance. So, first let’s figure out what deliverance means, then we’ll dig a shade deeper into what Paul is talking about here. I am going to combine the definition for delivery number 5 in Webster’s with Deliverance. I use this one because it fits what I think fits with what Paul is getting at; moreover, what the Holy Spirit is trying to convey to us the true meaning of what is being discussed. Deliverance means the act of sending someone or something to an intended target or destination.

Ok, so now that we know what deliverance means, what in the world is Paul talking about? Well, let’s continue on dissecting our Scripture.

In verse 20, Paul talks about having the confidence about having enough courage to go through what God has planned. Paul talks here as if martyrdom death is near to him, however, he wants Christ exalted no matter what happens. He is expecting here that he will be supplied with everything he needs by God to continue on whatever mission he sets before him, whether it be death or life.

In the next few verses, Paul talks about the difference between life on earth and life after death with Christ. For us as Christians, either life or death is a benefit. If we are to go on living here on earth, that leaves us more time to do work for God. We can further advance his kingdom by evangelizing, missions work, work within the church, or a number of different options.

Death on the other hand is a gain for us as Christians because to die is to be with Christ. Not only this, but all of the saints who have gone before us. This is what Paul is meaning. He is torn between whether he wants to stay on earth and continuing his work and dying and going to be with Christ. Moreover, Paul is torn as to which at this point would serve to be better service to Christ. Remember he wants Christ to be exalted in whatever he does.

Paul then resolves that he knows that remaining on earth would serve better for the Philippians. Paul knows that he will continue to lead them and teach them in their walk with Christ. Paul knows that if he is to return to the Philippians he would help them in their joy of the Lord; thereby increasing their faith in Jesus on the account of Paul.

It almost sounds conceited doesn’t it? Really it’s not because Paul knows through the Holy Spirit that he will indeed return to them. What he’s referring to is in fact, deliverance. Paul knows that when we are in Christ, no matter what it looks like, whether it be life or death, we will be delivered from whatever situation we’re in. So, throughout this passage, Paul is working out this idea of deliverance.
So, what does deliverance do for us today? First, we have to understand that here in modern day America, being martyred for our faith is probably not going to happen. However, there are those who do stand against us. The problem is that even within our own denominations of Christianity we stand against each other. Mainly though, we do stand together more and more often with each other within denominations, and this is a good thing. We should be continuing with this unification.

However, this is a little more difficult when it comes to completely different religions. Whether it is Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Atheism, or New Age, there are huge differences between us and them. Sometimes, it can be known to escalate into major issues. Throughout history Christians have battled with other religions. Even in today’s world, we battle an intermixing of Christianity with New Age. The trouble is, most Christians don’t know the difference.

When we differ with these new religions, we run the risk of being judgmental. However, we must not be tolerant of it either.

Back in 2001, two days before 9/11, there was something created called the Ark of Hope This ark has included religions from all around the world and traveling around in this ark are the Temenos Books. These are books from the Earth Charter initiative. Their mission straight from their website is:

The mission of the Earth Charter Initiative is to promote the transition to sustainable ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, universal human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy, and a culture of peace.

One world, One society. Some prominent members of this initiative are Mikhail Gorbachev, Dr. Steven Rockerfeller, and John Hoyt. Included in this huge list of people are Rabbi’s, great Christians, and people from all lifestyles. I give these websites because I think all Christians should be educated on this subject. If we aren’t educated about it, we could fall prey to it’s evil. This is stuff straight out of the End of Days. We all should be wary of this type of view from society. They never say that it will be one religion, but a tolerance of religious views everywhere…which would make evangelism virtually impossible. One of the key phrases in this “Charter” that they speak about is this. “Our environmental, economic, political, social, and spiritual challenges are interconnected, and together we can forge inclusive solutions”. This is where they sneak in their idea. If all these are interconnected…then the only way to get around this is One Religion as well.

I love the show “Cake Boss” on TLC. There is one episode where they’re making a whole bunch of specialized cakes for a weekend full of weddings, a roulette cake for a social club. It’s really busy. The guy who delivers the cakes took one cake on the wrong day, had to take it back to the shop and deliver it again tomorrow on the proper day. Not only that, but the very next cake he delivered, was the wrong one. Instead of being a red and gold cake for a theatre, it was a purple flowery cake. The people at the theatre were just a bit surprised. It was not quite what they were expecting, so the delivery guy had to switch out the cakes to make it right.
Sometimes when we ask for delivery, it doesn’t look like what we think it might. I’m sure not only Paul, but others along the line have gotten a delivery from a situation that did not look quite like what they expected.

However, if we stay true to our Lord Jesus Christ, not tolerate but not judge, we will surely be delivered from the evil that is in this world. It may not look like what we think, but we will be delivered. Whether by life or by death, if we can manage to be educated about the evil of our world, we can keep from falling into these traps that Satan and his minions set. Whether we are facing the Ark of Hope, The Earth Charter, health issues, issues within the church, family issues, or even issues with other denominations or religions, we should face them with the idea that we will indeed have a deliverance from them, no matter what the outcome is. Only through staying faithful to Jesus can we ever have a hope of being delivered.


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