I Can Do All Things...
Are you ready? This is the last week of our study in Philippians. Man it has been a great journey for me. When I started this I was not sure where this study would lead us, but I have to say, I have learned a lot. I pray you have as well. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard my Great Grandma Nanny and my mom say the phrase, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” As a matter of fact, it is one of the mantra’s that I recite when I am in the midst of a panic attack. I try to fight them off with Scripture…which works well when I meditate and focus correctly. If anyone listens to WIBI, you have probably heard about the whole, “Pay It Backwards” campaign. It is an effort to change the way we go about our daily business. Here’s the deal. Whether you are in line at the grocery store, McDonald’s, gas station, anywhere, take a moment to bless the person behind you and pay for their meal, groceries, soda, whatever the case may be. When you do this, leave a message with ...