I Can Do All Things...

Are you ready? This is the last week of our study in Philippians. Man it has been a great journey for me. When I started this I was not sure where this study would lead us, but I have to say, I have learned a lot. I pray you have as well.
I cannot tell you how many times I have heard my Great Grandma Nanny and my mom say the phrase, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” As a matter of fact, it is one of the mantra’s that I recite when I am in the midst of a panic attack. I try to fight them off with Scripture…which works well when I meditate and focus correctly.

If anyone listens to WIBI, you have probably heard about the whole, “Pay It Backwards” campaign. It is an effort to change the way we go about our daily business. Here’s the deal. Whether you are in line at the grocery store, McDonald’s, gas station, anywhere, take a moment to bless the person behind you and pay for their meal, groceries, soda, whatever the case may be. When you do this, leave a message with the clerk to tell them that God loves them and has blessed them and they don’t have to pay for it, the tab’s been taken care of already.

A couple Sherri and I know went out to eat at a nice restaurant on a date night. Being parents, they don’t get much time with each other, so this was a rare, but welcome occasion. It was a fairly nice steakhouse and it just so happened that they ran into another couple that was doing the same thing. Of course they found each other, said hi and went about their special night. Naturally, they did not plan it, so the first couple thought it’d be cute to pick up their tab without them knowing who it was. So, they accomplished this successfully and they left the little note for them. The surprise did not last long because the second couple figured it out. You know what the amazing part of this story is? The money the second couple would have spent on dinner went to the waitress…they had passed on the blessing as well. What is wonderful to speculate is the situation of the waitress who received the blessing of a huge tip. Did she need that extra money for gas that week to get to work? Perhaps to buy formula or diapers for her baby. It could have just been a little extra on the top to spend for herself for once. It is interesting to wonder how God used that blessing as it passed on.

Today we are going to talk about blessings and abilities that are granted to us by God. First, let’s read our Scripture. It will be Philippians 4:10-23.

10 I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
14 Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles. 15 Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; 16 for even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid again and again when I was in need. 17 Not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account. 18 I have received full payment and even more; I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. 19 And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
20 To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
21 Greet all the saints in Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me send greetings. 22 All the saints send you greetings, especially those who belong to Caesar’s household.
23 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

Paul is such an amazing individual. He says here that he learned to be content in any situation, despite the circumstances he was in. Knowing what we do about Paul, he is really good at remaining humble, especially here in Philippians from the Prison of Rome.

So what is Paul getting at by saying that the Philippians have renewed their concern for him? Well, first of all, an opportunity to show their concern for Paul arose in the sending of Epaphroditus. If you remember back, they send their monetary gift and servant hood to Paul in the form of Epaphroditus.

I rather get the idea that Paul prayed for the congregations scattered in amongst the Asia Minor regions that he visited. I do not think that he was praying that they would support him financially; rather they would come to trust God in their gifts, faith, prayers and everything it takes for them to trust in their salvation through Christ. What happened in this case was that Paul just happened to be the recipient of the gifts and offerings from the Philippians. You see, like the story from earlier, God answered multiple prayers, worked healing, blessed a congregation and did so many things through one simple act…all for the greater good of God’s Kingdom.
For now, we’re going to skip over verse 13, but don’t worry, we’ll get back to it later.

Paul is doing this all to give glory to God, so that what good has been done can be credited to the congregation of Philippi. You see, Paul was not in it to glorify himself or help his cause, yet it was the cause of Christ he sought to further. It is amazing to see such a change in a person who has allowed Christ to enter into him and make such a radical change from the Pharisean cloak holder at the stoning of Steven and helped hunt down and kill Christians.

In verse 18, Paul says something that stumped me for a second until I looked a little deeper into it. It’s the phrase, “received full payment”. Paul is reaffirming here that the gift they gave to Epaphroditus is above and beyond what was expected. However, more than that, Paul wasn’t expecting anything whatsoever. The Greek term used here “received payment” was apechō, which has multiple different definitions, but it means to experience something to the limit of what one would expect. Not only this, but Paul goes on to say that it was even more than that. Paul is overemphasizing just how much their gift was really above and beyond the normal. According to Paul, they had done this since the beginning.

If you remember back to the very first sermon in Philippians, I said that Philippi was a Roman Colony. They enjoyed the same rights as regular Roman citizens, which usually meant the general state of affairs in the city was good because most people has a good deal of resources. Money, land, livestock, farmed goods, etc. Being a colony of Rome, they were blessed with what they had and made the conscious decision to pass along that blessing. No matter what end we are on, whether to giving or receiving end of a blessing, to pass it on is to be Christian.

So by now you’re probably wondering why in the world I chose the title of today’s sermon to be “I Can Do All Things…” So far, the things I have been talking about don’t really add up to this. Well, now it is time to piece the quilt I have been weaving together.

The middle verse for today is my mantra from the beginning of the sermon. I skipped over this verse because Paul has placed it smack dab in the middle of the subject he’s talking about. This is the final square on the quilt of Philippians that we have been working out together. “I can do everything through him who strengthens me.” I want to say that it wasn’t just thrown in the middle carelessly by happenstance. It was placed there for a purpose. In this last section of Scripture, even though the chapters, verses and subheadings were not there when Paul wrote it, it was however, in the middle of this last little portion of Scripture he was rounding out his letter with. Paul is summing everything up in this last little bit. The whole point is that Christ must be in the center of our focus, regardless of our circumstances.

This past week in Sherri’s counseling with two different people, one who is a New Agey, Yoga, Buddhist type and a minister friend of mine who has a degree in counseling. We have both side of the fence working together for the cause of healing from Christ. Well, this week we have been working on what the counselor’s are calling awareness, grounding and mindfulness. Quite frankly, I thought both of them were off of their rockers. But their idea is fantastic. The New Age therapist who is definitely of this world, pushes a clearing of the mind to allow peace to enter in.
The ministerial counselor focuses on allowing the peace of God to flow in. I want to take you on a brief journey of just what this awareness practice does. First, we close our eyes. We notice in our body where the tension has built up and we allow that to relax. Next, we focus on our physical traits of our face, arms, legs. This, is where the difference comes. I am going to follow the route of the Christian therapist for my purposes today. Then, we play a soft relaxing type of music and allow the music to take us to our “happy place”, or we could go outside and feel the sunshine warming our bodies…allowing it to feel like the hug of God…the wind to be like the Holy Spirit sent to comfort us. Either way, it’s a place where no harm can be done and it is all about safety, security and happiness. We fill ourselves with Christ and allow ourselves to do what they call centering. Whenever my anxiety creeps up or Sherri’s urges or anxiety come up, we go to our happy place or we go outside to feel God’s creation. The whole point, is to center yourself so that you are in the here and now and can think clearly. This is where as Christians, we focus our attention on Christ and allowing discernment, healing, peace, comfort and anything else we need to come.

My point for this is exactly what the point is in Paul’s 13th verse of chapter 4. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Only by having a mind truly focused in and centered on Christ can we enjoy the peace that comes from a life lived with him. Sometimes we need to be grounded and center ourselves on Christ after we pray so that we can hear God reply to us. Everything we’ve learned here in Philippians revolves around centering our lives on Christ.

The only reason the Philippians were able to bless Paul with what he needed and prayed to God about, is because the Philippians had a tremendous focus on Christ. You see, that is why I went through the scriptures the way I did. Bringing up centering on Christ last so that you can see that we can bless others by being centered on Christ ourselves…living examples of Christ’s love for the world.

So, the next time the world tries to sweep you up in its worries and cares, I want you to remember what you’ve learned today. Practice your awareness…pray and be mindful…be aware. Practice grounding yourself here and now, allow God to hug you and comfort you, while you center and fill up on Christ. Remember the main point of Philippians; true authentic Christian joy comes from having a mind that is centered on Christ. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.


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