Can others tell that you follow Christ by your lifestyle? Are people astonished to find out that you follow Christ? Does it come as a surprise to them, saying, “I can’t believe he’s a Christian! I would have never guessed!” Well, more times than not, that means that you’re not living the lifestyle that a Christian should be living. I heard a man once say, “I didn’t know Christians were allowed to cuss like that?!” Well, that will certainly put things in perspective now won’t it! Like we talked about last week, the Inward Disciplines are geared to build a personal relationship with Christ, the Outward Disciplines are not only geared to this, but to actually realizing the freedom that we indeed have in Christ. Freedom not in that we can sin to beat the band and still be covered by Christ’s blood, but freedom in that we can realize that there is more out there than us. There’s more to life than just the accumulation of wealth, stuff, and all the things that the world tells us is important...
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