The Life of Christ: The Boy in the Temple

Today we are going to start a 14 week sermon series entitled “The Life of Christ”. This is by no means going to be a comprehensive study. There is no way we can look at the life of Christ in 14 weeks…it’s impossible. There is simply just too much information. I actually did this class in 6 weeks in school. It was REALLY intense. I actually had two textbooks for this class; “Four Portraits, One Jesus: An Introduction to Jesus and the Gospels” by Mark L. Strauss & “The Challenge of Jesus: Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is” by N.T. Wright. Both of these books are great reads, however, very intense. I have a couple copies of each of these books if you would like to be challenged and grow your faith.

But over the next 3½ months, we will only be able to hit the highlights, obviously ending our series on Resurrection Sunday, April 8th. Between Christmas and Resurrection Sunday every year, there is roughly between 10 and 18 weeks between the two, depending on the year. However, before I get started delving into our subject for today, I want to put the whole ‘time’ aspect in perspective.

Every year, we celebrate both Christmas and Resurrection Sunday. Every year. When Jesus walked the earth, time had to pass. Mary had received word that her baby being born would be the Savior. She didn’t get to see the immediate results that we do within a time span of roughly 15 weeks. Jesus was an infant. He had to learn how to sit up, crawl, stand, walk. He had to learn how to talk, and use his fingers to grasp food and feed himself. He had to grow up and do all of the things we watch our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews do. Jesus did not come out walking and talking. He had to learn. Two weeks ago, we celebrated Christ’s birth. This week, we will be looking at a 12 year old Jesus. Think about the time span there. Think about a child you know. Now go back and realize how much time that is. Yet, the only ones who knew were Mary and Joseph and perhaps a few family members…by now, some of Jesus’ brothers were being born and growing up too.

But what about that promise Mary received? What happened during Jesus’ childhood? We know they went to Egypt because of Herod and came back after he passed, but aside from that instance, the arrival of the Wise Men when he was 2 or 3, and the instance of the Boy in the Temple that we are going to look at today, these are the only portraits of childhood we have of Jesus.
Stop and think for a moment about the amount of time that had to pass, just to get to the age of 12 and the story here today in the temple. Think about it for a second before we move on.

Let’s read Luke 2:41-52.

41 Every year His parents traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover Festival. 42 When He was 12 years old, they went up according to the custom of the festival. 43 After those days were over, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but His parents did not know it. 44 Assuming He was in the traveling party, they went a day’s journey. Then they began looking for Him among their relatives and friends. 45 When they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem to search for Him. 46 After three days, they found Him in the temple complex sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all those who heard Him were astounded at His understanding and His answers. 48 When His parents saw Him, they were astonished, and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for You.”
49 “Why were you searching for Me?” He asked them. “Didn’t you know that I had to be in My Father’s house?” 50 But they did not understand what He said to them.
51 Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth and was obedient to them. His mother kept all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people.

In our text today, it says that every year Joseph and Mary went up to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. Keep in mind that the Passover was instituted back in Moses’ time when they smeared the blood of a lamb on the doorposts so God wouldn’t smite their firstborn. This is the festival they were celebrating. It is also the festival upon the Passion Week is surrounded. Being the good Israelites they were, they went to celebrate this festival.

It then states that when Jesus was 12, after the festival that year, Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem without his parent’s knowledge. Now, I want you to keep something in mind. This traveling party talked about in verse 44 wasn’t just Joseph, Mary, Jesus and his brothers and sisters. It was a whole bunch of people. It was a caravan of sizeable proportions. The Passover festival was a time for gathering and celebrating and all devout Jews partook; so naturally, there would have been a lot of people.

Joseph and Mary naturally assumed that Jesus was in the traveling party. Obviously he wasn’t with them, but he was probably hanging around somewhere else. After they had gone a day, they realized that he wasn’t anywhere to be found.

Have you ever gone to the grocery store and realized that one of the kids has disappeared? I have a very good friend who did that exact thing. He and his wife had just adopted a baby girl. It was their first and doted on her like most parents would. It had been a long day and he had picked up their daughter from daycare and made a stop at the grocery store. He was trucking right along on his list and got done with it and thought he was forgetting something. Not able to realize what it was, he continued through the store to see if he could remind himself of what it might be. At the complete opposite end of the store, he saw the ‘baby aisle’. It then dawned on him that he had left their new daughter in the van! He ran out of the store, leaving the cart where it was in the aisle to go out and get her. Luckily, it was Fall and was not too hot or cold, but when he got outside he realized why he had forgotten her…she was asleep and never knew the difference. I remember him telling me this story and he said he just innocently got out of the van, not hearing anything forgot he had her with him because it had only been a few days. I still do not
know if she knows to this day!

It’s not that my friend, Mary, or Joseph are bad parents…hey, it’s easy to make those mistakes! Can you imagine their panic!? You go looking for this promised Child of God, the promised Messiah; and he’s not with your family, friends or anywhere in sight. You get back to Jerusalem, and on the third day of searching, they found him. Think about it for a second! A King has already sent people and made a decree to kill this boy…and now he’s disappeared without anyone saying anything. I guarantee though they had no idea what the Messiah came to do, but they also knew he was their child and responsibility and they were worried sick about him.
When they finally found him, he was in with the teachers in the temple, asking questions and listening. They were all amazed at him…how much he understood and at his answers…even his parents. Then Mary went up to him and uttered the second half of verse 48…or in other words of mothers today, “Where have you been?! You had me worried sick!”

Then, Jesus says a line that most of us know. 49 “Why were you searching for Me?” He asked them. “Didn’t you know that I had to be in My Father’s house?” or it could also read, “Didn’t you know that I had to be involved in my Father’s interests (or things)” or even “Didn’t you know that I had to be among my Father’s people?” No matter which way he said it, no one understood. Only Joseph and Mary knew about the angel’s words from God…but he was 12! It just didn’t make sense because the word he used for Father could be used for earthly father OR heavenly father. Most people would have thought he was referring to Joseph…

So, then he did what he should have…he obeyed his parents. Pay attention to the second half of verse 51…“Mary treasured up these things in her heart.” She did the same thing back in 2:19 when he was born. She treasured these things up in her heart…even though she didn’t understand them then, by the time Jesus’ life was over…this would all come rushing back to her. So, it says, Jesus continued to grow in wisdom and stature, in favor with God and people.

Has Jesus grown in wisdom and stature with you? What is it about the Boy in the Temple that perplexed everyone in His day? What is it about Jesus that perplexes people still today? What is it about the name of Jesus that people so readily use his name in vein, yet hesitate to speak of him in public?

Have you been looking for Christ everywhere? You’ve checked with family member or friends, yet, you haven’t found him there…perhaps someone you know is looking for Jesus and can’t find him. I think maybe people are looking for Jesus in the wrong places…his parents found him right where he belonged; in his Father’s house.

My friends, if you’ve been baptized in Jesus’ name, YOU are his house. Jesus takes his residency up with you. The Holy Spirit is within you. Search no more. Call on him in your hour of need…when it seems like you can’t find him. Low and behold, he’ll be right where he should be. Don’t put him in a box, because he will break through the barriers we put on Him. Surrender yourself fully…give up control…let him drive; and hang on, because you’ll be in for the ride of your life.

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