A House Divided...
"A House divided against itself cannot stand." This quote is most famously attributed to Abraham Lincoln. However, he got it from a specific source...the Bible...in a few different places, Matthew 12:25, Mark 3:25 and Luke 11:17. Here's the thing. Jesus was the one who spoke these words. How true they are. Abraham Lincoln was President of these great United States of America during the Civil War. It was a house divided then...and honestly...has been since. The South is very much different from the North. Now I have lived in both areas...and I can tell the difference. Yeah, demographics have a play in it...times have changed...but have they? We are a nation a week past an election. By the look of the county breakout of the 'red' and 'blue' counties, there are far more red than blue. Yeah, those red parts are open country and the blue ones are concentrated population, which is where a good percentage of the population live. But here's the problem. We a...