A House Divided...

"A House divided against itself cannot stand." This quote is most famously attributed to Abraham Lincoln. However, he got it from a specific source...the Bible...in a few different places, Matthew 12:25, Mark 3:25 and Luke 11:17. Here's the thing. Jesus was the one who spoke these words. How true they are. Abraham Lincoln was President of these great United States of America during the Civil War. It was a house divided then...and honestly...has been since. The South is very much different from the North. Now I have lived in both areas...and I can tell the difference. Yeah, demographics have a play in it...times have changed...but have they?

We are a nation a week past an election. By the look of the county breakout of the 'red' and 'blue' counties, there are far more red than blue. Yeah, those red parts are open country and the blue ones are concentrated population, which is where a good percentage of the population live. But here's the problem. We are a country horribly divided. Look at the strong feelings across party lines in Washington. Look at friendships that have been destroyed or broken in the very least by the differences of opinion on the 'political drama'. There is a huge gulf between the liberal and the conservative. There are now 20+ states that have petitions going on online to suceed the Union. Guess what it all comes down to...morals. Yes, that's right. Morals. No, this is not another rant on abortion, homosexuality or legalizing marijuana. This is about God.

You see, too many people have exchanged the truth of God for lies. They believe a government can fix things...they believe a man can fix things. We've put manmade things above God. The fact that we are so bold to make a claim that we can even purport to make a law concerning marriage between a man and a woman says that we have deeper issues at hand. It says that we've been subverting the Word of God for a long time. Where did it begin? I am not sure. But I know where it starts to get repaired...it begins by realizing that we have no right to 'judge' the things of God. Gay marriage legalization? I say, why should we even have to make a law about it? Doesn't that detract from the authority of God? God has the final say. Putting a 'gap theory' or 'periods' to the Days of Creation in Genesis? Why do we have to explain things? Why can't we just take God for His Word and just do what we are supposed to? Love God, Love Others. There should not be a need to 'explain things', judge or make laws. God's Word is sufficient. He's given us everything we need to know throughout His entire Word.

There comes a point to 'over analyzation'. Studying and gaining knowledge about the things of God are important, don't get me wrong. But it is just as important to act on them as it is to study them. It comes down to Discipleship and Evangelism. "The American Discipleship Problem"...the book God laid on my heart that is now coming to fruition. It's all about discipleship. It's all about action. Act on what Jesus has done for you. Accept Him as your Savior. It is by faith we are saved (Eph. 2:8-10)...however, faith without works is dead (James 2:26). Act on God's action by taking action. Let's restore America to God, one family at a time, one person at a time.


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