In the wake of tragedy

It's times like these that we struggle through the 'why did this happen' questions. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to the motives of a tragedy of this magnitude. Even if the authorities do come up with a motive as to why, it still isn't enough of an answer. Nothing seems to fit the why...until you stop to think of the mission God has us on. Make disciples and Love God, Love others. This is our mission.

Satan is going to do everything he can to distort, discourage, and dissolve anything God has planned. Nothing, however, is unexpected with God. He knows all...and through it all, even the killing of innocent children in Newtown, Conneticut. So, then we have another why? Because through this tragedy, God will be glorified. How? Brotherly love. Through this many chances to witness to unbelievers will come of this. My guess is that as a result of this tragedy, like 9/11, many converts to Christianity will be won...and that is what it is all about.

It is obvious that Satan had a hold over that young man who committed this terrible crime, then took his own life. Did he know Christ? I don't know for sure. It isn't my place to say yes or no. However, this is what it looks like to me. This young man was failed by Christians and church communities. We get so overly concerned with our programs, services and outreach attempts that we forget to go out of our way to make a meaningful relationship. What about the kid that sits in the back of the church alone? What about the person you always see getting your gas in the morning who never looks like their having a good day? Anyone is capable of what Adam Lanza did if Satan gains a foothold. However, anyone is capable of being filled with the Holy Spirit and doing the work of God too. We are messengers and if we don't speak up and form the relationships, then quite honestly and bluntly...we've failed...horribly.

So, in the wake of the tragedy in Newtown, Conneticut, let us mourn for the loss of those killed. Let us then move on to try and prevent this sort of disaster again. But, church, let's step up to the plate here. Let's do something about it in our communities. Reach out to the troubled kids or adults. Make an effort to build a relationship with someone. Let's prevent this tragedy again by forming the relationships with others (and Christ) that can make a huge difference. In the wake of tragedy, fill up with God. He's the only one who can fill that void.


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