Count it all joy

Hard times come. Trials come. Sometimes things happen that catch us off guard. Somtimes things happen that make us think that we made a wrong decision. Here's the thing...don't always assume that going through a hard time means you made a mistake. Now don't get me wrong, we sin all the time. However, to think that the entire thing was a mistake is just silly.

Sherri and I are facing just such a trial. The move to Florida is over. We thought for sure that we'd be here for a long time. It had all the potential and makings of just such a move. However, it didn't turn out like we had originally thought. Things changed. Times changed. Circumstances changed. Was the whole thing a mistake? Absolutely not. There was purpose in our being called here. We were called to be here for my mom through a difficult time. We were called here to plant seeds in four young boys lives. We were here to bring the message of change to the church that we carry per God's direction. Without a doubt, it's the shortest calling we've had. But, without a doubt, we've learned the most out of it. We were called here to be shown by God that we are on His time at His direction for however long He dictates. In's not about's about Him.

We have made lots of friends here. We will remain in contact with them and pray as the church seeks out the change in direction that's coming. We pray that during our search, God will dictate, guide and exercise His will over our lives. We look forward to the next challenge. God is good all the time...and all the time, God is good. We are on His time...not ours. With that said, bring on the trials, tribulations and tough times. I count it as all joy to suffer persecution for the cause of Christ (James 1:2-9). I realize that we are being refined in the fire and I thank God and Praise Him for the chance to serve Him in this capacity.

For those here in Florida who know us, do not worry. Pray for God's direction for all. We thank you for the opportunity to serve here and I have no doubt that God will take care of us as we move on into the future. God has a plan...of that I have no doubt. God always has a plan. God Bless you all.


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