The Hunt

Almost a month has passed since Lighthouse and I parted ways. The Hunt for a new ministry is on and things are going well so far. The trouble is, searching for a new ministry doesn't just happen overnight. It takes prayer and discernment on Sherri and I's part, in addition to the church and their Elder's and Search Team. If you really want to know the truth, it's a miracle when a candidate is chosen to serve a church.

I have been thinking about that this week. The miracle that takes place when someone is chosen to be the minister of a church is no doubt incredible. So many candidates put their resume's in at churches when they post it online. It is an extremely difficult task to evaluate every candidate equally and come up with a 'short-list'. So many times we lose sight of the every day miracles that take place in our lives just to keep us on this Earth, doing God's work.

Many miracles are constantly taking place all around you. Do you see it? Answered prayers for a sick daughter and provisions for a place to live. Food and water to nourish our bodies. Sunshine to brighten our's all a miracle! Take time this day to see the little miracles taking place in your life. This day, I choose to be thankful to God for His guidance, protection, and provisions. I look forward to seeing the ministry where God leads us. It will no doubt be a miracle when it happens.

I love and hate The Hunt for a ministry all in the same breath. I love it because I can't wait to see how God puts it together. I hate it because it means change...but as long as God's calling for the change, I will answer. I made a promise to him that I'd follow wherever He may lead. I intend to do just that. So, I will look forward to The Hunt...and then be glad when it's over and we can get settled in. The's intriguing...facinating...go on The Hunt today for God's little miracles. You won't be disappointed.


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