Jesus is No Private Matter
The other day I saw a picture that said "Jesus died in public, so don't just live for Him in private". This reminded me of those posts on Facebook (and before that the chain letter emails) saying "if you don't forward this, you don't really love Jesus" or that "by not sharing it you're denying Jesus" in some way. I don't share the those type of things because our faith is based on more than just a copy and paste status or chain letter. If you don't know that I love my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ by how I live my everyday life, then I am not doing my job as a His follower. A status update or resending a chain letter won't change that much. However, allow me to say a few words because there is a point in all of this that we often overlook, especially in western civilization. All too often, I hear, "I don't talk about religion because it's a private matter." my friend, it's not a private matter. ...