We Don't Have to Live with the 'Lesser of 2 Evils'

Time and time again I see people complaining about this years candidates for President. The Republicans are offering Trump and the Democrats are offering Clinton. No matter which side you reside on, the sentiment usually is something like this, "Well, I don't want _________ becoming President, so I guess I'll vote for _______ even though I don't like them either." I've also heard (in past elections too); "Neither one really stand as great examples...it's just about picking the lesser of 2 evils." If you'd indulge me, I submit that we do not have to live with the 'lesser of 2 evils' simply because there is no other choice. I submit that there is a choice...this is America. We've grown accustom (and dare I say brainwashed) to the 2 political parties in power showing us 2 candidates. Every once in a while you have a Ross Perot or Ralph Nader come in and run as a 3rd party candidate, but no one realistically gives them any chance of winning. However, before you count out the idea of 3rd party candidates, did you know Abraham Lincoln was a 3rd party candidate? One of the greatest presidents in US history was running as a 3rd party candidate. I submit that if Americans were truly tired of the political bull honky from both Republican and Democratic parties, we could and would elect someone from a 3rd party.

The problem is that we Americans have been told what to think for so long that we've lost the ability to think on our own 2 political feet. We've grown accustom to simply 'living with the lesser of 2 evils' and that voting for a 3rd party candidate constitutes 'throwing away my vote because they won't ever get elected'. If we as Americans said enough is enough and got behind a candidate, we would throw the entire American political system on its head because the American people dared to stand against the government. My friends, we've done it before by electing Abraham Lincoln as a 3rd party candidate. We've done it before by bucking the chains of tyranny and persecution to form this country as an independent nation from England. We are Americans. Land of the free, home of the brave, where "In God is our trust" is part of a verse in our National Anthem, and where we are free to elect our representatives from whom we so choose, not from whom we are told to vote for.

My friends, it's time to do our investigation. Both Republican and Democratic parties no longer stand 100% for the Christian value system this country started out with. Libertarians (Gary Johnson) simply take their cue and steal from both Republicans and Democrats, thereby ensuring their value system isn't much better and the Green parties (Jill Stein) focus is solely on the Environment and way further left politics than the Democrats. I submit that the Constitution Party (Darrell Castle is their candidate) be considered. They rest solely on getting this nation back to the style of government according to the Constitution of the United States of America. That means doing away with a lot of the governmental controls put forth in both socialism and capitalism. It means returning this country back to the people where black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Native American and Middle Eastern are endowed with equal and unalienable rights. We aren't talking about going backwards, we're talking about following our governing document. Less federal government, more state and local government. It's time to stand up as Americans and tell the government we're taking our country back by exercising our votes outside of their 2 party system. The Constitution Party isn't on the ballot in every state. They are working on it, so in some states, you'll simply have to put them in the write-in candidate spot. Again, if enough of us say enough is enough, we'll get a 3rd party candidate elected.

In addition to this, we need to stop the violence, hatred, bickering and slandering taking place in this country. We need to stop drawing lines in the sand according to race, religion, and sex. We need to think on our own 2 feet, use our God-given brains and repent of our evil ways. Living with the lesser of 2 evils still puts the control in the hands of the 2 major parties...and by the way, God can and will use whomever He chooses to accomplish His will; Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green or Constitutionalist. We need to stop thinking that a party can and will fix things. Realistically will the Constitution Party be able to accomplish all it wants? Only in time with enough support to accomplish the goals. But the Constitution Party is not the answer to our problems. Only Jesus Christ is that answer. He is the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Only by placing our trust and faith in Him will the answers to our problems arise. We, as Christians, need to stop forcing our ways upon people. That makes us no better than those in European History where Christianity was made the state religion. God doesn't want forced believers. He wants people to want to worship Him. With that said, perhaps what this country needs is to continue to get even further from God's truth in our laws in order to wake people up to His Truth. You can't know how good God is until you know what it's like to be so far away from Him you see no other option but Him. Remember, what we are experiencing in America just might be a spiritual weeding out in order to leave a fruitful remnant.

More than anything, pray for this country. Pray for our leaders. Exist in peace, stop being combative towards those who do not share your views. Live your life in the Love of Christ and show that in your actions toward others. When the Church collectively repents of our sins, the outside world will see and take notice.

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