The True Nature in Social Media

Social media. It has a way of working it's way into our lives. It dominates our time. We look more at our phones than we do those closest to us. And then, people who on the outside appear put together, well mannered, and socially well versed, click their social media apps and turn into argumentative trolls who enjoy creating drama. When people see this, it usually sends a shock through them; "I had no idea they ______." The shock waves tend to flip us upside down and truly change the way we look at them. The relationship changes and sometimes gets way worse...

Social media connects us with people like never before, yet can stir more drama and make relationships so disconnected and impersonal. We've never been more connected with people than we are in our current world. Yet, we have never been more disconnected in our relationships than we are now. However, social media also has a way of showing our true nature. Want to know how real a person is? Check social media and their activity on said social media sites. More times than not, you'll find out quickly just what lies underneath that well put together facade. People tend to say that what people do on social media isn't what they'd normally do. That's just not who they are. I, on the other hand, am arguing that what they are on social media is who they really are. What used to be hidden away from all others but God is usually now on full display for all to see...unashamedly.

The trouble is, people hide behind social media to air their dirty laundry, political and social views, and yes, even their religious views. Now, I'd rather be an advocate for God than to be airing dirty laundry and political/social drama. However, hiding behind social media to air combative religious views (or hiding behind the 'religion is private facade') is not right either. There's a question that one must ask themselves. "Is what I am about to post True? Helpful? Inspiring? Necessary? Kind?" It's the T.H.I.N.K. principle. In other words, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (HCSB) "Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing." We are called to be encouragers...helping and steering people in the right direction. However, that does not mean engaging in endless debates, being rude, harsh or unloving. We are called to be humble, gentle and patient, speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:2,15).

So now the question remains; who are you on social media? Are you combative? Passive? Quiet about your faith in Christ? Are you prideful and a bragger or an attention seeker? Are you a drama queen/king? What of your true colors are shining through on social media for all to see? Because let me tell you this, your true nature comes out in social media. If you're a believer in Christ, I want to challenge you to look through your history on social media. If you can see a change from who you used to be and it's improved, that's the Holy Spirit working in you my friend. Be encouraged, because we are being transformed into the image of Christ day by day (Romans 8:28 & 12:2). If you're not a believer and don't like who you are, and trust me, before I believed in Christ as Lord and Savior, I didn't like who I was either (I still am fighting against those thoughts, but that's another discussion), let me tell you there's hope in Jesus Christ. You don't have to live like this any more. There is hope and peace to be found in Him...He offered Himself for your sins and if you'll accept Him as Lord & Savior, He'll wash you as white as the new fallen snow. When we repent, confess, believe and are baptized, we receive the Holy Spirit as a down payment of things to come. He guides believers into the newness and renewal of serve others while loving on them. My friends, there is no time like the present to give yourself to Him, because you'll never be 'right where you need to be in life' moreso than you are right now. Only through Jesus can you have the salvation, hope and peace you're looking for.


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