Cut from the Same Cloth

I usually don't post political stuff. However, what I am about to write is political in nature, but only because I firmly believe there is a deception at work and Christians need to be aware. If I am wrong, I am wrong. However, as time passes, I am more and more convinced that I am unfortunately right.

Back in '07-'08, when Barak Obama was running for President, I really liked him. He was a great speaker and sounded like he was about to shake up the system like Americans wanted. However, something changed. I can't tell you exactly what, but I know as I looked and listened even more, I felt like there was something that was just not right about him. I couldn't place my finger on it, but I just knew. I had to stop listening to his speeches because of their seductive nature. Low and behold when he took office and I found out even more about him, I started learning of his background. Filtering the present through his past lens, I began to see that the change he was talking about and the change America wanted to see was different. He meant something much, much different than what we thought he was talking about. He's much more socialist in nature, big government, big control. He's fooled the masses and led our country even further from a biblically moral society.

Fast forward to '15-'16 when this year's campaign began. I was absolutely floored when Donald Trump said he was running for office. I said for years that a successful business man needs to be in the White House to straighten up this financial mess of a country we have. I started listening to Trump and I got carried away with his strong appeal to old fashioned American values and patriotism. But then it happened. I got the same feeling that I did with Obama. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something just wasn't right. As time has passed, I've seen things that I just don't believe. Initially, I thought Trump would wash out. I then realized that he might just be in the race to thwart the Republican race to help get Clinton elected, because, we all know that Trump is cut of the same cloth that Clinton is. In fact, he's supported her campaigns in the past. But he hung in there. He kept pressing forward and I couldn't believe it when the Republicans dropped like flies out of the race and Trump was winning all over the board...even gathering people from both the left and the right. I thought maybe he was the real deal. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. As the headlines continue to come about his taxes, his foundation, his harsh words and misrepresentation of the past, I began to wonder why he's in the race. I know what he says...but is it the truth? What is this feeling that I just can't shake?!

One more time, it happened. I realized that my earlier thoughts were the key, "Trump is cut from the same cloth that Clinton is." Is it possible he is changing and is a Christian and embracing those values now? Yes. Entirely. No one is beyond the reach of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior (I am not questioning their salvation). However, stop and think for a moment. What if it's all an act? What if the purpose is for him to botch things up so bad just to get Clinton elected? But wait. What if the whole point is to put Trump up against someone who was so obviously corrupt that Trump couldn't lose? What if it didn't matter which one got elected, we'd get the same thing since they're both cut from the same cloth?

My friends, I am still not sure exactly what is going on. I just know something isn't right. But I do know that in the light of recent events, I've realized that the Bush's, Clinton's, Kennedy's, Trump's, Obama's, Rockefeller's, Soro's, Republican establishment & Democratic establishment and so on are all cut from same cloth. It's all about power and money. It's about keeping their interests in fair territory. It doesn't matter who gets elected and what happens with all of the other 'little people' in America, just as long as they get what they want. It's much easier to control the masses when they're divided. Who better to keep the division going than two people from the same cloth? What I am afraid people just don't see is that all of the racial divides, war on terrorism, economic issues, taxes, corruption, refugees, heated and extreme divides between Republicans and Democrats, etc. is all a mechanism to divert our attention away from the fact that the rich and elite are all simply trying to remain in power. Not only this, but they might even be working together. Crazy to think about, isn't it?! Remember, control is easier when there is division, real or manufactured.

If we all said enough is enough and elected someone like Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party, it would devastate the people in power. It's why Congress hasn't pushed for term limits, salary caps, and balanced budgets. Power. Money. Control.

The point of all this isn't to make people paranoid conspiracy theorists. I'm pointing out my observations. I could be wrong. I could be right. Either way, we, as the church, need our discernment now more than ever. We need to be solid in God's Word. We need to place our trust in God Almighty, not our country, government, or politicians. He has the ultimate control of all events on Earth and we must trust that no matter what happens, God's will is accomplished and He will seek and save the lost. By the way, the more things go downhill in our country, the more receptive to the Gospel people will be. And that's a good thing, even if our lives aren't as cushy as they are now.


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