Word of Caution

For those that know me well, know that I am not a Clinton supporter and have been skeptical about Trump from the beginning. I've always thought that he was playing the field because of his history with the Clintons as well as being a New York Democrat. I thought his purpose was to bring the Republican party closer to that of the Democratic party. And in ways, he has. However, he has done what seemed like the impossible. I honestly expected to wake up this morning to a Hillary Clinton Presidency. I had myself fully prepared for her. Instead, I almost find myself in a state of shock because its surreal that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States of America. I ran through scenarios on electoral maps trying to piece together which states he could possibly win. I figured Ohio, North Carolina and Florida...but it wasn't enough. He needed more and I wasn't too sure he could muster the electoral votes. I thought maybe he could swing Pennsylvania or Michigan and maybe even Virginia, and that was a stretch...but Wisconsin and Idaho with Pennsylvania?! I underestimated his support. Big time. All of this to say this: Evangelicals came out in droves for Trump. I am located in a state where I cannot write-in a candidate. Whoever is on the ballot is who your choices are. My candidate was not on the ballot, so I voted for President under protest and a letter to my State Congressman. But the issue I'm having is that I see Evangelicals looking to Trump almost as if he is some sort of "American Savior"...and this causes me concern.

So I want to give a word of caution. The 'old fashioned values' of yesteryear are in the past. The days of having a Christian culture are over. Our country is well on its way to a more liberal and progressive future. Donald Trump isn't a savior. He is the President-elect who now has a tough job of reuniting this country, which, if you look at the vote once again, you'll see a very stark divide. I will support Trump as President, but my word of caution to the Church is this. Don't let this opportunity slip you by. We have a chance to once again become comfortable in our culture...or we can stand in stark contrast to our culture and lose our lukewarmness. Give respect where respect is due in the government. But don't let the government give you the feel-goody's about being rich, powerful and safe. As Christians our sole focus is Jesus Christ and His message of salvation. Let us win souls while we have the opportunity of government allowing us do so. Too many times in the past has the church had opportunities to reach the lost but squandered the open chance. We're getting a new chance to replay those lost times. Let's capitalize on them while the harvest is ripe for the picking. A lot of people are scared half to death of a Trump presidency. Let us share with them the reason for our hope and joy. Let's share with them our reluctance to support such a flawed candidate, but trusting in our Sovereign God and His ability to influence events for His purposes. That despite a culture becoming more hostile to a Christian way of life, we are ready and prepared to give a reason for our faith. We've gotten a 4 year reprieve if Trump holds to his word. I rest my trust in Jesus Christ because all events are being put in place as a set up to His return. For that, I echo the words of Revelation 22:20, "He who testifies about these things says, 'Yes, I am coming quickly.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!"


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