End Times

My daughter has been freaking out recently because of the social media hype citing Luke 21:25-26 as evidence for the end times due to the timing of the eclipse across America from coast to coast and Hurricane Harvey. This got my mind to working and I've decided to put out a few words concerning this deep and troubling issue for some.

I remember back when I was in school and working for Huddle House in '09-'10, there were several of the high school servers there who were panicking about the Mayan Calendar ending on December 21, 2012. They were visibly frightened. Scared to death that the end of the world was coming in the next few years. They knew I was in school studying ministry and they came and asked me about it. I proceeded to tell them that if the world was going to end, I knew that it would be any other day but that one. Naturally they were surprised at my confident answer. When they asked how I knew that, I proceeded with Matthew 24:36 (HCSB),

36 “Now concerning that day and hour no one knows—neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son —except the Father only.

No one knows the day or hour. The fact of the matter is that Jesus could return any day. That's why we always need to be prepared. With that said, no one now is citing a particular day, just that it's close. To that I'd give an emphatic, "Yes it is!" But keep in mind that every day that passes is one more day closer to the day Christ returns. We've been living in the End Times for the better part of 2 millennia, ever since Christ ascended to Heaven and the Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost.

Is the world going nuts? Yep. One need only to look around to see that. The Scripture people are citing has a lot of merit to it. There are signs in the times of the day drawing near. It's only gonna get worse until Jesus comes. That's why the world seems like it's going to Hell in a handbasket quicker than it was 20, 30, even 50 years ago. The world seems to be on the "Highway to Hell" and people celebrate it. Everyone except those looking for Jesus to come back. It is severely depressing for the Christian to see this evil thrive. However, remember John 16:33 (HCSB),
33 I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”

Christ has overcome the world. There is great joy in this. Our salvation is closer now than it ever has been (Romans 13:11). And that, my friends, is worth shouting "Hallelujah!" So my friends, use this as it's intended - as a wake up call. Wake up and draw near to God, because Jesus can show up on the scene any day. Don't wait until it's too late. Be ready.


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