State of the Union from a Pastoral Perspective

I must say that I usually try to stay away from the volatile subject of politics. However, I am absolutely ashamed of the state of politics in our country and it must be addressed from a Biblical and pastoral perspective.

For those who know me, I identify with no political party. I refuse. I used to, but nowadays, I don't feel like I can or should. Why? Because both sides of the aisle are wrapped up in utterly despicable behavior. Neither side is innocent. From the president to the senate to the members of congress on downward to the state levels and even bleeding into the community level, all sides and all levels have been engaging in behavior unbecoming of public servants. And this has been going on for decades and steadily getting worse over time. 

You want to know why these types of people get elected on both sides of the aisle? Because they say things people want to hear. The opposite side of the aisle is offended at them, their side of the aisle praises them. The divide in the political chambers is a reflection of the divide in the nation. The problem with our nation isn't a political problem. It's a heart problem. The hearts of the American people are not only divided, but a good majority are rotten. As Christians, we should be refusing to side with anyone whose behavior is despicable, dirty and downright deplorable. We need to stop demonizing the opposite side. The problem isn't the other side. Instead of blaming the other side, how about we look inwardly about our own behavior?

I have never met anyone that had their mind changed on a political stance through a heated argument. In fact, the only time I've really seen people 'flip sides' on any given subject is when they're confronted by Jesus Christ and they've studied Him and His Word. When we truly encounter Jesus, we find that the things of politics aren't as important as they once were. Are some of the issues concerning? Yes, and I'd also add that we have a responsibility to vote in folks who hold to true Christian ideals. However, there are positions on both sides of the political spectrum that do not line out Biblically. 
To start off with, I'll pick on the Republicans. With the Republicans, everything is way too 'Merica. America seems to be the Promised Land and American people as God's chosen people. Wrong. Israel was, is and will be God's chosen people. I personally believe God isn't done with Israel yet. Although they are in a state currently that is opposed to God (unless they are Messianic Jews), there will come a time in the future (from what I understand) where God will call them back and they will believe in the Messiah, Jesus Christ. "But America was founded as a Christian nation!" I'd say wrong again. Look at the early fathers of America. Most were Deist. That isn't a Christian. Yes, they use the Bible but there is a lot they cut out and count as nil simply because they don't believe God intervenes in His creation. That takes the possibility of salvation through Christ and throws it out the window. Salvation through Christ is a key cornerstone of Christianity. Therefore, America isn't a Christian nation. Even if it once were (which I don't think it was), it definitely isn't now. Hasn't been for well over 150 years. I'd say since it's inception, but again, I don't think it was ever a Christian nation. Does this mean I hate America? Absolutely not! I love our country and that we have the freedom to worship God as we see fit according to the Scriptures. I thank every service member for their service to our country and for their sacrifice as well. Many people in my family's history have served in the military. My issue is that we need to not hold America so high on a pedestal. That high pedestal is reserved for Jesus only. America has become an idol to many. 

Republicans are also way too Capitalist. Capitalism creates large gaps between the wealthy and the poor and unless you're generous, the poor get little to no assistance. Greed is what wins more times than not. Now these days, they have incorporated some Socialism into their program such as welfare, Medicare, social security, etc. The problem here is that it takes the burden off the churches to care for the needy and lets the government do it instead. Government mandated generosity usually creates unrest, as it has among the working & upper classes. Again, we cannot legislate morality or generosity. We need to change hearts.

Now, most of the Democrats have been cheering me on the past 2 paragraphs. Hang tight, it's now your turn. Democrats aren't innocent. For them, everything goes. Everyone should have a right to do and believe what they want. True enough. Our constitution says so. However, when we do so at the expense of Christians...this is hypocrisy at it's finest. You can't force upon everyone the idea that everyone needs to be accepted and equal and then prosecute and sue Christians for standing up for what they believe in. It doesn't work like that. Either everyone has freedom or nobody has it. 

The other issue with Democrats is the fact that they believe the government should control everything. If we haven't proved that as a bad idea already, I don't know what has. Democrats want control. They've always been seen as the underdog even though they have held the power as much as anyone. They want to control everything from welfare, healthcare, money, business, to the very freedoms we have every day. They claim to be the 'working class party', but in fact, they are everything but. They look out for themselves only. Much like the Republicans. The Democrats have the wonderful idea of allowing everyone in the country, health care for everyone, high taxes on the rich to equal out wealth to the question is this. How do you intend to pay for it? The money has to come from somewhere and when you rob from Peter to pay Paul, sooner or later, Peter is gonna stop making so much money and then there won't be any to equal...everyone will be poor. Anywhere true Socialism & Communism has been tried, it's failed. China is a communist country and the younger generation will be the ones to upset the apple cart. They've just about had enough. Just like the Republican favorite Capitalism, where greed destroys the system (greed is why the economy collapsed in '08). 

If you're still here and I haven't made you mad enough to leave, thanks for hearing me out. I truly pray you take to heart what I'm about to say, because this is the nugget we need. Ready?

No political system is going to be perfect. Democracy, Republic, Socialist, Communist, Fascist, Dictatorship...whatever the case may be, nothing will be perfect. Ever. The only system that truly can work is a Theocracy and even that failed in the Old Testament due to sin, corruption and the nation wanting a King like everyone else. 

So, what do we do as Christians? Stop demonizing the opposite side. In this article, I've pointed out the weaknesses of both parties. If you subscribe to a party, I hope you truly take a look at the party and reevaluate why you support them, how much you support them, and how much you hang your hat on their way of life. The state of our union is divided. What it needs is a heart transplant. We need Jesus. Not just Jesus, but Jesus with His worldview. It's a worldview that pays it's dues to Caesar when it calls for taxes, submits to the governmental authorities over us but knows that God gave them their power to begin with, but looks to God as Creator, Jesus as Lord & Savior and follows the commands of Him who has given us Life. When we cease to be defined as Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative or any other political label, that frees us up to be defined as a Child of God. That's when our behavior and demeanor change and we see people for who they are...people. It makes it easier to have compassion on them and even reach them in their brokenness. Love God, love others. The 2 cannot be divorced from one another, and in this day and age, we need God more than ever.


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