Faith & Science: Compatible or Not?
Most modern science and scientists, and even some within the Church, would have you believe that faith and science are two completely different, incompatible subjects. Lies. Deceit. Hogwash. Modern science (Darwinianism/evolution) is faith-based just like Christianity. Trouble is that it is a false gospel. True science will, in fact, be compatible with faith and the Bible. If a scientific theory contradicts the Bible, then it isn't true and won't be provable. True science doesn't care about your philosophy of life. Darwinianism/evolution is bad science at best. At it's core, it is a religion. It's why in any modern science textbook they address the issue of science and faith in the first chapter on the first page. This is no accident. There is a systematic effort to remove God and the supernatural from our society. It's been going on way longer than anyone has been alive on earth today. This is a battle of faith. This is a battle of worldviews. This is a b...