Faith & Science: Compatible or Not?
Most modern science and scientists, and even some within the Church, would have you believe that faith and science are two completely different, incompatible subjects. Lies. Deceit. Hogwash. Modern science (Darwinianism/evolution) is faith-based just like Christianity. Trouble is that it is a false gospel. True science will, in fact, be compatible with faith and the Bible. If a scientific theory contradicts the Bible, then it isn't true and won't be provable. True science doesn't care about your philosophy of life. Darwinianism/evolution is bad science at best. At it's core, it is a religion. It's why in any modern science textbook they address the issue of science and faith in the first chapter on the first page. This is no accident.
There is a systematic effort to remove God and the supernatural from our society. It's been going on way longer than anyone has been alive on earth today. This is a battle of faith. This is a battle of worldviews. This is a battle for your very soul...and the enemy will stop at nothing to dupe you into following the doctrine of demons. The trouble is that this doctrine of demons has infiltrated the Church, not just our science labs and school systems. The fact that most folks in the Church buy Darwinianism/evolution says a lot about the preaching from the pulpit, the quality of leadership we are installing and the depth of study of individuals in the congregation. We are simply not duplicating the faith and instead being fed a faith of different sorts. A false faith...a false gospel.
The enemy is here to kill, steal and destroy, and he does that via lies and deceit. Is it any wonder that he has raised up "knowledge" within our education system that is false? This is part of the false Gospel that Paul refers to in Galatians. Why do we then act surprised and defend falsehoods? Because it goes against everything we are taught from a young age. We can't handle the possibility that we've been lied to by just about everyone we've trusted. Believe me, I've been there. I was a hard-core evolutionist. Millions of years. Dinosaurs. Monkey to man. I loved science. Yet, I also believed in God. And when I was confronted with the truth of Scripture and Creation when I was 30 years old, I had a major crisis of faith...which one is true? Evolution or God? The two are not reconcilable. It's two different faiths. I was raised Catholic. I grew up in the Church. I also grew up in a public school system where it was just assumed that modern science was correct...why would we dare question them? I mean, they are the experts, right? Actually, no. They have a belief that God doesn't exist and that is their starting point, not the theory or question at hand being tested. At 30, I had never heard that the earth was 7,000 - 10,000 years old, give or take. Oh I had vaguely heard the concept. I had never been confronted with any facts or science behind it. When I did, I questioned everything, evolution, faith, relationships, everything. I blamed my parents, my teachers and wondered how they could possibly have lied to me all these years. What I needed to desperately understand is that they didn't know either. The lies and deceit are way deeper ingrained in our culture than we can possibly imagine. If you're reading this still and are finding yourself questioning, please, don't just buy into the lies and deceit. Test it. Research both sides genuinely. Visit ministries like the Creation Truth Foundation or Answers in Genesis. If you have any questions, leave a comment here. I will be more than happy to help. I'm not interested in winning an argument. I'm interested in Truth and there is only one place for that. The Word of God.
So, what do we do? We pray. We teach truth. When someone wakes up to the revelation, we help them along the path. Overall, we love, we refuse to compromise truth and we realize that people are not the enemy. I still love science. The true science proves the Word of God correct. You won't be able to prove something that contradicts the Bible. Faith and science are compatible. The question is: which faith will you believe?

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