The Leadership Dilemma

Leadership is a funny thing...some leaders are after the power or control, some are in it for the service. But the problem is...are we willing to do what we are being called to do by God? For some, I question whether or not the motives are pure. For some, I wonder if they are answering God's call or the call of their ego.

I have had the pleasure now of being a part of 3 wonderful churches in a ministerial capacity. All of them are filled with wonderful, God-fearing people. However, I've noticed a trend. One of my friends and mentor, Casey Scott once told me that leadership will make or break your ministry. The best laid plans are great...but if you don't have a strong leadership behind you, you'll have a much harder job. Boy Casey was so right. I've noticed that leadership in the churches usually is an indication of how strong the congregation is.

One of the churches I was in the Leaders were a great group of people...but steeped in tradition a little hard as well as being internalized quite a bit. It was a strong church who did a lot of missions supporting, but were out in the country (litterally with the closest town 2-3 miles away) and had difficulty attracting people because they were out of the way. I believe if this church were more centrally located, they would have had more people.

Another one of the churches was in the country as well; steeped in tradition quite a bit, still great people, but this group was more focused on 'getting things done' and 'doing their duty'. The leadership in that church, from what I can tell as someone who was only there temporarily was that the Leadership functions as a 'necessary' thing. They do what they gotta do and nothing more. Now, there are those who serve and have served who are involved and want to do more...but the majority of those simply do what is required because they don't know any different. It's what's been done for years and that's the tradition.

Here's the issue: leadership. The condition of the leadership of a church is very vital. It dictates the type of ministry work being done...if any at all. Do they function to 'keep the doors open' or do they 'function to reach people for Christ' by going beyond the walls of the building? With most leaders in our churches today, most do what they do because they truly don't know any different. The way they do things is the way it's alwasy been done and no one has showed them any different. Besides, change is hard...old habits die hard...

However, if they do know what they are supposed to do and don't do it, then they need to be removed from leadership. I've heard some people even say they know what they should be doing, but just don't do it. The question is: why? Well, it's a heart issue...which is why that person should be removed from leadership. They need to re-evaluate their walk with Christ in order to get their relationship with Him straight before leading someone else.

So how do you correct a leadership that has become stagnant or irrelevant? How do you correct a ship that has already been slowly going off track? Well, you don't. You can't. Only God can do that. We must realize that we have the power to do nothing on our own. It is only through the blood of Christ and His righteousness that we can do anything...Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." It is Christ who does these things. So, what we do is this:

(Please keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list. It is in a general order, but can and should be shuffled around based on the individual church.)

1. Seek God First. This has to start happening. Too many times I see the leadership in churches making decisions and then consulting God after the fact...or not at all. If God isn't first, then why is the church there? The church isn't a building, it's's about God's Will, not what's comfortable for us. Seek God is uncompromisable.

2. Study, Community Work, Prayer (and other disciplines).People need to come together for Study, Community Work and Prayer. They are uncompromised parts of fellowship and evangelism. Most churches do well with food, but when it comes to study, prayer and work in the community, it seems as if it isn't as important. It wouldn't hurt to throw a few more of the disciplines in there too...such as fasting, submission and service to name a few.

3. Leadership is the key to change.The church needs to understand that leadership is the key to the change. If the leadership doesn't get serious and begin to do Christ's work in the community, then you might as well shut the doors. The leaders have got to be the initiators of the change. It's why nothing any of the past preachers say or do works (if the preacher is truly preaching the Word and trying to revive the church)...because the leaders of the church don't do it. The congregation needs to understand that "the preacher" has no "power". God has the power with Christ as the head and a group of leaders from the body of believers actually seeking God's Will first, not consulting Him afterwards...and most certainly not a dictatorship as most churches run. Theocracy not Democracy.

4. The congregation needs to be active.The congregation needs to understand that they are vital parts to the success of the church. The leaders can't do it all. This is a group effort and it doesn't matter if you're 8 or 80, you have a part in the church to help the message of Christ get to those who need it.

5. Leadership training or mentoring.The leadership needs to go into a hardcore leadership training program. There are lots of resources out's going to cost money, but it needs to be done. If you have a good, healthy church nearby, you could get involved in a 'mentorship' program if they are willing...either way, the leadership needs to be shown the correct way to do things instead of relying on tradition.

6. The constitution and bylaws.The constitution and bylaws need to be fixed to where it functions as an Elder run church (which is the Biblical model). The mission and vision of the church need to reflect Biblical qualities and that the leadership is willing to undertake and maintain. (In addition, there is a temptation to sell it short and just do the 'necessary things', but the leadership must go as far as God is calling them to go.) The men who serve as Elders need to be qualified to do it. If there are only two, then, there are only two. If one of them needs to be a woman because the men aren't qualified or willing, then a woman needs to step up. Ideally, it should be team driven (husband & wife)...but women are having to do it alone because the men aren't willing and/or qualified. We have to do what we have to do. If God can use a woman to lead, who are we to judge and exclude?

Also keep in mind that although the constitution and bylaws need to be present for legal reasons, we should not and must not confine ourselves to a manmade set of rules and laws. It is about God's laws. Essentially, throw the constitution and bylaws out the window. Make it so they are relevant and reflect what you are doing, but do not tout them around as Gospel. They are there for legal reasons only.

By no means is this the end of the discussion. It's just the beginning. Leadership in our churches is a dilemma. Our leadership needs to stand up and humble themselves before God, repent and turn to His ways. I strongly believe there is a cleansing of the church going on in our country...with that said, 'churches' will in buildings, congregations. But The Church, as in the Body of Christ will not fail. Those truly committed to Him will continue seeking Him first and do the things He wants. Sometimes the bad branches must be cut off so the healthy will thrive.

I urge you to evaluate the leadership in your congregation. Pray, seek God's face, ask for His guidance and then listen for His voice. May God Bless.


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